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    Bloomz Blog


    Production deployment 09/26/22 - 09/29/22

    by Bloomz, on Sep 29, 2022 7:55:00 PM


    Production deployment 09/28

    UI : Add verify member functionality for "Pending Approval" tab in MLM (Parents & Staff) (

    UI : Short name is not getting display properly after updating from MLM  (

    Production deployment 09/28/22

    New or existing school creation issue in district admin tool (

    Add flag in admin tool for community to enable/disable 2fa (

    Production deployment 09/27
    Email template change for existing users (

    From the Admin tool> Find user > Schools tab > unverified schools section > Cannot click "Approve" button from this page. (

    Fix for neighborhood milestone award is showing up in student timeline
    2FA for mobile and force update config change

    Production deployment 09/26/22

    Increase OTP expiry time to 30 min
    Added the method to clean the duplicate milestone awards
    Invite Issue for Phone Number Profile (
    Invite popup fix
