We’re excited to share the latest enhancements in phone number management for alerts, posts, and announcements! As part of our continuous effort to offer you more customization and control, we’ve added new options to help you better manage communication preferences for your school or organization. Continue reading
When it comes to accessing Bloomz, compatibility and performance are key! Whether you're a teacher, parent, or administrator, using the right browser ensures a smooth and hassle-free experience. Continue reading
Simplify Your Day with the "Switch User" Feature in Bloomz Managing multiple roles in a school community can be overwhelming, but Bloomz is here to make it easier. Whether you're a teacher, parent, or administrator—or juggling a combination of these roles—our "Switch User" feature ensures you... Continue reading
Updated all email invitation templates (admin, teacher, parent and student) Add SSO options as a way for users to activate their accounts UI fixes for activating accounts- invitation look upon registering, ability for user to select language preference on activating their account on app UI fixes... Continue reading
QR code scanner: Interactions points can now be easily given by all staff on campus, by easily scanning a student's ID badge UI updates to filter: "SIS Id" is now displayed "SIS ID" "Parents of students with SIS Id" is now displayed "Parents of Students with SIS IDs" Placeholder text "input a... Continue reading
Additional of SMS deeplink authentication: Users who do not register their account, will now be able to easily click on the link direct from the SMS and it will take them to the page where they can see the full message without even creating an account or setting up a password. Continue reading
Update in template access: Now templates created at the school level by school admin can now be accessed by other users with a school admin role Join conversation feature: Pushed fix to restore school admin having the capability to "join" a conversation they are not originally included in Continue reading
Autonotices pie chart and voice column data: Pushed fix that was impacting user not being able to view autonotice pie chart and data for voice call data Addition of throbber- When interaction report data is being accessed "please wait" throbber has been added Continue reading
Sending posts/alerts with specific filters: Pushed fix to address bug that was impacting posts/alerts not successfully reaching intended audience. PBIS interactions random selector feature: Pushed fix to address bug that incorrectly registering the assigned points in the correct class Recipient... Continue reading
Filters correction: When parents have multiple children at different grade levels, the filter was respecting the first child one. Pushed fix to show respect parents appearing in filter for all associated children. Posting with Audio fix: Push fix as audio was being lost when user when to edit a... Continue reading