Production Deployment: Week of April 15 - 19, 2024
by Mallory Miller, on Apr 19, 2024 12:41:17 PM
- QR code scanner: Interactions points can now be easily given by all staff on campus, by easily scanning a student's ID badge

- UI updates to filter:
- "SIS Id" is now displayed "SIS ID"
- "Parents of students with SIS Id" is now displayed "Parents of Students with SIS IDs"
- Placeholder text "input a value" is now visible when creating a filter
- Student role suppressed: When school staff is adding another staff member the option to select "student: as a role is no longer an option
- Permission changes for "school admin": School admin communication sent to district level now need to approved by a user with "district admin" permission
- SFTP BulkImport V1 fix: Pushed fix to address error file attachments that were not getting delivered to end user if errors were present in file