Production Deployment: Week of Feb. 26 - March 1, 2024
by Mallory Miller, on Mar 1, 2024 1:10:33 PM
- Filters correction: When parents have multiple children at different grade levels, the filter was respecting the first child one. Pushed fix to show respect parents appearing in filter for all associated children.
- Posting with Audio fix: Push fix as audio was being lost when user when to edit a post created with audio.
- BulkImport V1: Addition of being able to add parent email, when parents have existing account with phone number
- Announcement hide functionality: Pushed fix for functionality to work on app
- Default interaction report: Set the default interaction report to show a two week time span with all students pre-selected in the list view.
- Interaction report UI changes: Moved the "positivity" column between grade and flags and add text to show user what the icon view will show.