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    Bloomz Blog


    Production Deployment- Week of May 13 - 17, 2024

    by Mallory Miller, on May 17, 2024 7:24:55 PM

    • Updated all email invitation templates (admin, teacher, parent and student)
    • Add SSO options as a way for users to activate their accounts
    • UI fixes for activating accounts- invitation look upon registering, ability for user to select language preference on activating their account on app
    • UI fixes classes/groups- sports teams title change from "staff" to "coach"
    • UI fixes in district/school settings- added tool tape to highlight when features are turned off at district/school level they affect classes/groups, reorganized permissions under appropriate categories/headingsScreenshot 2024-05-17 at 4.21.54 PM
    • Added feature- Non-registered users can now view full content via SMS